Volume > Issue > Note List > Don't Call It "Adultery," Call It "Loving More"

Don’t Call It “Adultery,” Call It “Loving More”

“Gay” activists like to claim that homosexuals are “born that way,” and thanks to a highly sympathetic mass media, the message has saturated our society. Even many Catholics are asserting that “science” has “proven” that there’s a “gay gene” – and therefore the teachings of Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium must be set aside, for it would be unfair, intolerant, and all the rest to deny homosexuals their “right” to have sex. Of course, science has not proven that, but then people have a way of believing what the media tell them.

Let’s back up for a moment: Everyone is a sinner, and everyone was born that way. So what? Do we set aside Church teaching because it’s not fair (etc.) to ask people to give up their favorite sins?

Now let’s consider sex as such. It’s plausible to think that people — whether hetero or homo — are born to be promiscuous. After all, we all know what the oldest profession is, and polygamy has an ancient pedigree.

The newest thing (though it’s not new at albpin our Society of Newspeak is “polyamory,” the hip euphemism for polygamy. Time magazine (Nov. 15, 1999) devotes two pages to this new movement with a profile of April Divilbiss and “the two men she calls her husbands.” Time blesses the threesome as “an odd but functional family.”

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