Volume > Issue > Note List > His Grace, the Most Reverend Richard G. Roy, OSJD: Primate of Destiny

His Grace, the Most Reverend Richard G. Roy, OSJD: Primate of Destiny

LeMoyne College and Zogby International have released a poll showing that 28.7 percent of American Catholics think the Catholic Church should open the Sacrament of Matrimony to homosexual couples.

It looks like His Grace, the Most Reverend Richard G. Roy, OSJD, Bishop, Founder, and Primate of The National Catholic Church of America (NCCA), is a person slightly ahead of his time.

According to its website, the NCCA is an “independent Catholic jurisdiction” that believes in “cultural diversity,” “celebrates God’s all-embracing love,” “affirms the unconditional love of almighty God,” upholds “God’s inclusive love,” and “offers a warm welcome to so many who have been driven from other churches, which often seemed more intent on judging than loving.” As you can see, unconditional luv, luv, luv is what the NCCA is about.

Accordingly, the NCCA “offers the Sacrament of Marriage” to same-sex couples, and it ordains women, homosexuals, and divorced persons to the priesthood at its non-residential seminary.

Primate Roy is said to be a validly ordained bishop, has been active in AIDS ministry, and “makes his home with Brother Stephen K. Peterson, OSJD, his partner since 1975,” in Albany, N.Y.

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