Volume > Issue > Letter to the Editor: April 1988

April 1988

St. Peter Maurin

Peter Maurin influenced the lives of many persons, some of us still surviving. His philosophy is nowhere better summarized than in William D. Miller’s “The Gen­tle Catholic Radicalism of Peter Maurin” (Jan.-Feb).

Fifty years later, I still re­member Peter talking with a small group at our high school in St. Louis. Peter was so impressive that I’ve read virtually every issue of the Catholic Worker since then.

Those working for the can­onization of Dorothy Day may be well-advised to work at the same time for Maurin’s canoniza­tion. As Miller’s article pointed out: “On more than one occa­sion Dorothy Day…called…Peter Maurin a ‘saint and a genius’ and ‘most truly the founder of the Catholic Worker movement.'”

Clifford Reutter

Detroit, Michigan

Seeking Correspondants

For the interest of your readers, I (not a clergyman but an abandoned husband and fath­er rearing a teenage son) am in the 14th year of what I consider a community nearly like a mon­astery at its core, originally An­glo-Catholic but now under obe­dience to an incardinated tradi­tional Roman Catholic priest. I seek to correspond with persons of like mind that this apostolate may grow, in fact become, in liege to Mary our Queen and the See of Peter and under the patronage of St. Thomas Apostle and also St. John Evangelist and Bd. John Henry Cardinal Newman, a new monastic order of interest to all British-heritage people, Anglican and Roman and to be on mission anywhere in the world that it shall please the Holy Father.

I am committed to, and would like to plan with others in­terested, an order of cloistered and partly cloistered religious and (in the environs) tertiaries revivi­fying the way the life was lived in the British Isles before the Ref­ormation.

I’d also like to correspond with anyone interested in the contemplative life, anyone inter­ested in ongoing research into pre-Reformation British monas­tic and Catholic life, and anyone interested in the notable relation of Our Lady to Britain, such as her apparitions at Walsingham and to St. Simon.

Delwyn R. Amerine

Haddonfield, New Jersey

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