New Oxford Notes: April 2000
Degenerate Priests — Deal With the Problem, Please!
Why does the conservative Catholic media pooh-pooh reality?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.You Can't Have It Both Ways
Let Rome be Rome, and let the ecumenical chips fall where they may.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Another Missing Link
Catholics, pay attention! Commonweal stumps for Darwinism.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Who's Afraid of the Southern Baptists?
It's no mystery why the Southern Baptists have been growing: They evangelize.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Do as Mother Would Do
Msgr. Mannion's mother isn't afraid to offend people, so why is he?
Spreading the Disease
A pervasive modern sentiment suggests that "each person has an inalienable right to be considered good, however he behaves."
Making Sense of the "Sense of the Faith"
The ITC states that "in the history of the people of God, it has often been not the majority but rather a minority which has truly lived and witnessed to the faith."
Letter to the Editor: November 1997
Good Tree, Good Fruits... O'Malley Converted?... Strong Stance... Puzzled...