New Oxford Notes: April 2013
Individuality: The New Conformity
Trendy, "uncommon" children's names are actually quite common, revealing an odd type of conformity called "herd-like individuality" as well as a rush away from meaningful Christian names.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Sex, Lies & Dossiers: The Vatican at the Crossroads
The months leading up to the recent papal conclave saw abundant stories of Vatican intrigue, from last year's curious VatiLeaks scandal to a confidential dossier made available exclusively to the new pontiff.
Sterilization & An Unformed Conscience
To tamper with the generative function, as I did, is to make myself a god, or to tell God, in effect, “I know better than You do.”
The Church: God Writing Straight with Crooked Lines
Vatican II ended up with ambiguities, like Vatican I, Trent, and other councils, but it was, by and large, orthodox.
Nuclear Deterrence, Christian Conscience, and the End of Christendom
“If there is, as I believe, a temporal mission for the Christian, how would it…