New Oxford Notes: April 2018
Zen & the Artifice of Vatican Diplomacy
Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, archbishop emeritus of Hong Kong, calls the looming Vatican-China deal a "shameless surrender" that legitimizes the communist regime's episcopal appointments and "enslaves the Church."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.They're Coming for Our Children
American Christians take pride in the "religious freedom" we think we enjoy. But rights regarding even our own children can evaporate into the mist.
A Sign of Desperation... Viganò, the Vatican Whistleblower... From an Open Letter to Pope Francis... Bad Reasons for Good Behavior... In God We Do Not Trust... Lost in Plato’s Cave...
A Carmelite monastery in Wyoming is an exciting new element in the Church in America, and has proven to be fecund ground for vocations to the consecrated life.
Review of The Sleep of Reason: Fantasy and Reality from the Victorian Age to the First World War, Crystal Lies: Choices and the New Age, and Evangelizing the New Age: The Power of the Gospel Invades the New Age Movement