New Oxford Notes: December 2002
It Could Be Worse
The Youth Group in evangelical Protestantism is in deep trouble.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Becoming the Lutheran He Was?
Fr. Neuhaus has a habit of taking away with his left hand what he has given with his right.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Campion College Hits The Ground Running
We thought we'd share the results of our espionage at the new college with you, our readers.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.If You Want to Help Your Miseducated Priest…
We are pleased to be able to recommend a fine orthodox Catholic commentary on the New Testament called The Navarre Bible.
Harry Potter: Situation Ethics Candy-Coated for Kids
What must be closely examined is what the Potter series says about good and evil, and what defines each.
Those Misleading "Leading Theologians"
The experts not only got it wrong; they also helped to deform and destroy the faith of many by openly opposing the Church’s teachings.
What to Do About Our Largely Secularized Catholic Colleges & Universities?
On November 13, 1996, the Catholic bishops of the U.S. approved by an overwhelming majority…