New Oxford Notes: February 2001
Why No Call for Dialogue With "Homophobes"?
America magazine continues its campaign to subvert Catholic teaching on homosexuality.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Let's Have More Loneliness!
Is this a problem with "homosexual priests"? Not really, concludes Fr. James Martin.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."Gay" Priests Set the Tone
Fr. Paul Shaughnessy blows the lid off the homosexualist subculture in the priesthood.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Bow Down & Worship Me!
It's all the rage now among liberal Catholics to say that Jesus is present in the congregation.
The Chester-Mugg Tradition
Review of The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton; Vol. I and Vintage Muggeridge edited by Geoffrey Barlow
Waiting for Ambrose
One of the prime characteristics of the Church in our time is an almost complete absence of discipline, even in dioceses led by good bishops.
Embarrassing & Contradictory
In Catholic doctrine, God gives us free will, so we can repent or not. Kendall gets free will and predestination mixed up. Embarrassing!