New Oxford Notes: February 2002
The All-Wise Laity & Their Cheerleaders in the Priesthood
The battle for the Catholic mind continues. And don't think, dear reader, that it isn't a battle!
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Inspiration for (Uncommitted) Partners?
Good golly, we've been duped again by relationship politics.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.On the Road to Oblivion.
When fewer and fewer men enter a profession, does it become marginalized?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Priestesses Would Be Unfeminist?
There are many good reasons why the Church does not ordain women to the priesthood. There are also some screwy reasons floating around.
Fr. Neuhaus defends his comments about his "princely salary" as a use of irony, yet his statement can hardly be considered ironic.
Catholic apostolates and institutions must practice transparency and overcome the pitfalls of secrecy and elitism in order to avoid cultishness or a polarized, us-vs.-them mentality.
In the well-to-do sections of Managua, the Pope’s picture may be seen displayed proudly on the doors of houses, in any number of windows.