New Oxford Notes: January-February 2010
Which Side Are You On?
The practical effect of the Pope's Anglicanorum Coetibus has been to crystallize the significant differences between modern Anglicanism and Holy Mother Church.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.It's Always the Family
Whoever said that pornography is a victimless crime? The family is usually the first to suffer.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Kennedy Legacy Continues
Senator Ted Kennedy may be dead and buried, but the family legacy lives on in the person of his son Patrick.
Silence, Dissent & Humanae Vitae... Catholic Social Teaching: Nonsensical & Naive... the Real Conservative Outcry Against Caritas in Veritate... The Glass Is Half empty... Suprised by Quality... A Myopic Skirmish... The Folly of Debating Absolutes... A History of Homosexuality in U.S. Military.... and more
Considering the quantity of literature on abortion that has poured from the academic and popular…
Before answering the question, “Why Rome?” I must respond to another: “Why not Takoma Park?” (Takoma Park, Maryland, is the world headquarters of Seventh-Day Adventism.)