New Oxford Notes: January-February 2011
The Extraordinary Ordinariate
In England, with the establishment of the ordinariate, the effects of Pope Benedict's 2010 visit would be felt in concrete ways for years to come.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Words of Wisdom from the Walrus
Was John Lennon correct when he prophesied that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, that rock n'roll would outlive Christianity?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Condom-mania, the Rerun
Here we go again. It's been about sixteen months since the last outbreak, but papal condom-mania has resurfaced. This time the Pope is the hero.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Soldiers for the Battle
Only a tiny number of American priests are trained in the rite of exorcism, and these few have been overwhelmed by requests to evaluate claims of possession.
What Passes as Conservative These Days... Rehabilitating Paul Shanley... Bishop Vicky and Bishop Gumby... Now They Tell You!
Gov. Ronald Reagan signed a milestone pro-abortion bill in 1968. California's abortions jumped from 518 in 1967 to an average of 100,000 per year from 1968 to 1974.
Places in the Heart stands with Chariots of Fire as one of the few films in recent years with both a sympathetic and profound view of religion.