New Oxford Notes: July-August 2003
Catholicism for Dummies in Pleasant Monthly Installments
The "new" Crisis magazine says its dumbing down its message to help idiots "clarify their thinking."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.What Is It About the American College of Louvain?
The seminary's Vice Rector for Recruitment is being investigated for - you guessed it - buggering teenage boys.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Devious "Gay" Priests
An (anonymous) homosexual priest "speaks out" in Commonweal.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.OSV's Spirituality for Sensitive Guys
The sensitive guys at e5 are totally in line with our mainstream feminist culture.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.A Lecture on Treating Prelates "Respectfully"
ALL's Judie Brown urges bishops to 'respectfully' deny Communion to those whose presence 'defiles the Mass and the Body of Christ.'
A renewal of the Lord’s Day would have us finding so many things worth doing for their own sake that we couldn’t be bothered to do ordinary, non-spiritual work.
If it’s OK for an out-of-the-closet “gay friar” to live in an all-male environment, then why can’t red-blooded heterosexual men live in nunneries?
Reviews of The Idea of Culture... The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest... Bamboo Swaying in the Wind: A Survivor's Story of Faith and Imprisonment in Communist China... The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth... Voices of the Saints... The Montessori Method