New Oxford Notes: July-August 2006
Learning From Jesus How to Be An Effective Military Leader
"When things get extremely hectic, it may be time to consider taking an afternoon to play golf." Huh?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.A Massive Failure to Teach Catholic Truth
How many sermons have you heard against shacking-up, divorce, or homosexuality? Most of our priests are rank cowards.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Everyone Is Intolerant At Some Point
The National Catholic Reporter is mighty worried about the possibility of the Society of St. Pius X reconciling with Rome.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Would 'Compulsion' Be Hell?
The Catholic Confessional State might not resemble Heaven, but it certainly would not resemble Hell.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Bishop Morlino Discusses the 'Dictatorship of Relativism'
If there is no objective or absolute religion in civil society, you really can't complain about moral relativism.
"We are stuck…in a kind of bitterness, angry with the church for not changing as we had hoped."
"The birth of every wanted child represents an act of faith...", say what?
A writer in the outrageously compares the Church's refusal to ordain women with a Muslim mob's murder of a young woman.