New Oxford Notes: July-August 2010
The Devil's Fingerprints
At a time when the Church is poised to receive groups of Anglican converts, the global media's smearing of her reputation kicked into high gear.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.City of Confusion - Part II
Just when we were beginning to think that things couldn't get any more schizoid in the Anglican Communion, things are getting, well, more schizoid.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.It Can't Happen Here, Can It?
Could the Catholic Church end up sliding down the same slippery slope as the Anglican Communion? Yes, if certain groups get their way.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.In Turkey, the Church Officially Does Not Exist
Why did Murat Altun, after murdering a prominent archbishop, shout "Allah Akbar!" (God is great!) and boast of having killed "the great Satan"?
Niebuhr was the most extraordinary of preachers — a powerfully compelling delivery, all extemporaneous. As a teacher he called upon history and politics with great ease.
God does not tempt us directly but allows us to be tempted while providing us with all the graces necessary to resist evil.
Born Believers?... Move Over, Milk... Elevating the Bible... St. Barack... Robot Mini-Me... Cutthroat Competition... Homecoming (Drag) Queen... Banned in Birmingham