New Oxford Notes: July-August 2015
Catechesis & the Average Catholic
The average American Catholic is a 48-year-old woman married to a Catholic spouse with whom she has two children. She attends Mass at least once a month, puts $10 in the collection, and is not very active in her parish.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Acquiescing to Alternative Voices
The spectacle of Catholics supporting social movements that counter Church teaching can't be blamed on poor catechesis but on the absence of catechesis.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Barbarians at the Gates of Civilization
ISIS militants are true barbarians. Unlike most American or European rioters, they are evildoers . They've devoted their lives to violence and terror, destruction and mayhem.
Instead of frittering away his time, a young man needs to take charge of his livelihood and plan his own family-centered home economy.
In the late 1960s I worked with elementary school children and high school youths in…
Men and women who are knocking on the doors of novitiates bring with them the expectations of their postmodern culture of affluence, but they also seek God.