New Oxford Notes: July-August 2016
Breaking the Bathroom Barrier: A Civil-Rights Imperative?
If transgender people truly want "equal protection under the law," they shouldn't be treated as a separate class of people, distinct from the rest of society. This is what the inaptly named nondiscrimination laws would do.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Terror at the Disco: Why the Experts Always Come Up Empty
Again after the Orlando massacre, the national conversation about anti-gay hatred studiously avoided any mention of Islam and the Muslim view of homosexuality. Anger was directed primarily at conservative Christians.
Without prayer, without hard work, and without generosity, sacrifice would be meaningless in the life of a priest or anyone else.
Review of The Trademark of God by George L. Murphy, Philosophy of Science by Del Ratzsch, and Cross-currents by Colin A. Russell
Francis’s soundbite approach to theology has been a disaster for the Church. But worse have been the machinations from which the dissembling serves to distract us.