New Oxford Notes: June 2000
Lame Excuse
Horoscopes are "not acceptable for anyone or anything affiliated with Catholicism"
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."It's a Dog's Life"?
Surely the murder of one of God's furry creatures is cause for outcry.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Idiocy Undisturbed
The complete idiot's guide to misunderstanding Catholicism
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Some Are More Diverse Than Others
Too many seminarians these days are too outspokenly traditional.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Chickens Come Home to Roost
Andrew Greeley says we now "have a priesthood which is substantially gay."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Clerical Privilege: Back With a Vengeance?
How far is OSV willing to go in giving priests immunity from criticism?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.An Apology for the Crucifixion?
Why haven't we heard any apology for the Crucifixion from world Judaism?
Learning to Live as Dissidents... Action Speaks Louder
Jokes, editorial cartoons, and movies routinely ridicule the Catholic Church. Are we in the early days of a stealthy but persistent persecution?
Wendell Berry argues that without a critical mass of people who have a tactile covenant with the land, things fall apart.