New Oxford Notes: June 2002
Priestly Pedophilia: Will Good PR Fix It?
OSV's Msgr. Owen F. Campion informs us that PR is really what it's all about.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Spreading the Disease
A pervasive modern sentiment suggests that "each person has an inalienable right to be considered good, however he behaves."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Laity Out There In the Peanut Gallery
When you shoot from the hip you can shoot yourself in the foot. Just ask Fr. Neuhaus.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Here Come the (Canon) Lawyers
What doth it profit a man if he gains his rights and loses his own soul?
Briefly: March 1993
Reviews of The Church, Community of Salvation... Covenant Community and Church... Faith and Faithfulness... Sharing the Darkness...
Newman: Myths & Facts
The view that one can find encouragement in the writings of the Catholic Newman for the reunion of Churches is a mighty myth.
Kurt Waldheim & Franz Jägerstätter: Contrasting Austrian Responses to the Unjust War
If we need heroes to honor, let them earn that designation by virtue of true sacrifice based on personal moral commitment.