New Oxford Notes: June 2007
A Double Standard
In the wake of the Imus affair: Either there should be freedom of speech for everyone, or there should be censorship for most everyone.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.We Are Grateful That Partial-Birth Abortion Has Been Outlawed, But...
We are grateful that partial-birth abortion has been outlawed, but we recognize that not one baby will be saved by this decision.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The U.S. Catholic Church Is Sinking Fast
Whatever happened to the "Springtime of the Faith"? No springtime here. Actually, the forecast calls for an extended winter.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.'If I Ruled the World, It Would Be a Better Place'
Many trace the the dramatic upsurge of narcissism among the younger generation back to the "self-esteem movement" of the 1980s.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Love of God Is Like...
Heaven is often compared to a lavish banquet. But somehow we can't imagine that it involves toilet paper and balloons.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Sean Hannity Promotes Contraception, Abortion & War
Neocon Catholic Sean Hannity supports abortion, contraception and the war -- and a prominent Legionary priest supports Hannity.
Review of Living Tradition
How CUF became the bishops' friend.
Poor Deal Hudson, he feels left out - as he should be.