New Oxford Notes: June 2009
Why the Double Standard?
When prolifers are the protesters, standing up for what they believe, why are they treated as if they have no right to voice their objections?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Can the Pope Save the Legion of Christ?
The Legion has long been accused of obfuscating the truth about its methods and finances, and the life of its late leader.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Surprise! Femi-nuns Find Themsleves Under the Microscope
The nation's largest organization of administrators of women's religious orders is also being investigated by the Vatican.
A smart-dressing Pentecostal pastor has discovered that his God-loves-everyone 'Gospel of Inclusion' is driving his church members away.
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep. For the first time in human history, four out of every five people belong to one of the great world faiths.
A sidewalk preacher is bound to encounter a hostile response now and then. It comes…