New Oxford Notes: June 2013
Action & Overreaction: Figuring Out Francis
Our new Pontiff has new ideas and a new manner of delivery. Even as we are jolted about by his surprises, we see that he is staying faithful to his mandate.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The New Frontier in Family Life
Where adults are abundant and children scarce, animals are brought in to fill the void, creating a situation in which "dogs are the new children."
Why Feminists & Prolifers Need Each Other
The women’s movement is composed of a number of strikingly different teams all wearing the…
Has the Permanent Revolution Pooped Out In the People's Republic?
Starbucks produced a self-congratulatory pamphlet lauding their efforts to help coffee farmers and conserve the environment. Every revolutionary idea gets co-opted in the end.
American Genocide
We are systematically eliminating a community of human beings from American society. Why do our priests and bishops remain silent about this?