New Oxford Notes: March 2008
Don't Just Search, GoodSearch
We would like to introduce our readers who use search engines -- we know you are many -- to a new way to search online: It's called GoodSearch.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.First Impressions Are Often Correct
What was it like for a self-proclaimed "progressive" priest to celebrate his first-ever old Latin Mass? Was it onerous? Was it tedious?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Reinforcements Are on the Way
The Vatican has decided to draft a new "instruction," necessitated by "confused reactions" to the Pope's universal indult.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Not Peace, But a Sword
Archbishop Nienstedt stands accused of having divided parents from children, and family members from each other.
"Crime Must Not Go Unpunished" — Or Was That "Unpaid"?... The "Seven [Remaining] Dirty Words You Can't Say on TV" just became six... The Game Plan for Sudden Death
Missing the Point... Putting Children First... Blown Away By Coles... Slippery Slope... Let Me Try Again... Vanauken: Comic-Book Writer... St. Vladimir: Catholic... Desiring to Be Deceived...
The fact that some arguments against strategic nuclear deterrence are faulty does not permit the conclusion that there are no compelling moral arguments against it.