New Oxford Notes: March 2011
In Lawsuits He Trusts
Michael Newdow, the atheist who almost succeeded in having the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, is wielding his made-up church as a weapon in his legal battle against God.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.We're Taking Our Ball & Going Home
When Pope Benedict urged the governments of Muslim countries to take more effective measures to protect religious minorities within their borders, Egypt went apoplectic.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.American Catholics: Unclear on the Concepts
Are American Catholics dense? That seemed, at first blush, to be the underlying message delivered by Peter Kodwo Appiah Cardinal Turkson.
Jokes, editorial cartoons, and movies routinely ridicule the Catholic Church. Are we in the early days of a stealthy but persistent persecution?
He Asks, Who is a Jew? I Ask, Who is a Catholic?... Publicists for the Bishops... Sensitive to Bigots... From Inside Sacred Heart Seminary...
Accepting the killing of strangers eats away at our community from the outside in; accepting the killing of our own children rots us from the inside out.