New Oxford Notes: May 2000
Coming to Your Parish Soon…
There's a lot of debate about the music in Catholic parishes, including the words of hymns.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Who's Teaching the Bishops? that the moral theologian Richard A. McCormick, S.J., died.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Why Do Those Angry, Embittered Sisters Stay in the Church?
"We are stuck…in a kind of bitterness, angry with the church for not changing as we had hoped."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Where "Ecumenical" Does Not Mean "Nice" & "Bland"
Touchstone magazine doesn't mess around or pull its punches.
Fox TV Is Violent, Profane & Obscene
Fox TV, the neocons' heaviest cultural artillery, has done some of the greatest damage to the conservative cause in the culture wars.
The Rose vs. the Venus Fly-Trap
Review of When Life and Choice Collide: Essays on Rhetoric and Abortion
Is Beauty Just Decoration In an Otherwise Grim World?
“The world is charged with the grandeur of God.” — Hopkins
It was a fall…