New Oxford Notes: May 2007
Heroic Mothers
"I guess she knew the secret of life, and it is not in receiving but giving."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.We Think We're Making a Difference
It looks as if Fr. Ron Rolheiser has taken our criticism to heart. He's changed his mind about the concept of universal salvation.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Andrew Messaros Saw It Coming
Tom Monaghan learned the hard way: it isn't going to be easy to rid Ave Maria of Father Fessio, who survived a Donald Trump-style firing.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Absolutely Null & Utterly Void
According to Pope Leo XIII, Anglican Orders are "absolutely null and utterly void." That makes the Anglo-Catholic "Eucharist" invalid, too.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Most Equivocal Man In Town
According to San Francisco's Archbishop George Niederauer, homosexuality had nothing to do with clergy sex abuse cases.
The Prayer Book tradition might well assist the Church in welcoming home those who wander in exile.
Faking Diversity... Let Them Auction Cake... Chicken-Scratch Gaffe... A Bigger Slice of Pi... Electric Snake... dryPhone... and more
One must assume that men and women will be most creative when they are closest to a Creator who is the source of all truth, goodness, and beauty.