New Oxford Notes: May 2009
Condom Worshippers & Their Perennial Bogeymen
If you ever thought the subject of condoms was passe, the Pope's recent trip to Africa should have disabused you. Condoms are still apparently a big deal.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Song of the Boo-Birds
It's official: The Holy See will undertake an apostolic visitation of women's religious orders in the United States -- but about 30 years too late.
An Outsider's Impressions of the Modern Mass
It is a non-negotiable fact about me (and probably many others as well) that I do not sing where even friendly strangers can hear.
Advice to Hell Raisers
Lies are easier to spread than in the old days, when there were many more farmers than there were scholars, and farmers were harder to fool.
Deeper in History, Deeper in Prayer
In the long run, for my pastor, for me — for all of us — praying together at Mass in one voice of obedience and trust in the wisdom of the Church is the bottom line.