New Oxford Notes: November 2005
When Will Prolifers Wise Up?
If any of our readers had any doubts about what we had to say regarding John Roberts, they can now quietly lay them to rest.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Emotionally Unintelligent?
Talk show host Janeane Garofalo's guru is Freud, and she often refers to someone as being "emotionally unintelligent." What does that mean?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Totalitarianism or Anarchy?
Homosexuals regard the outlawing of same-sex "marriage" as a violation of political and cultural freedom - a soft despotism.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."She Saw a Market Opening"
Cathy Gallagher is starting a line of greeting cards for adulterers, but she "doesn't take a position on whether affairs are good or bad."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."An Ancient Structure to Beckon Gods"
The labyrinth is "a large, complex circle which is an ancient symbol of the Divine Mother, the God within, the Goddess..."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.What Does the Pope Know About World Affairs?
Where hot wars are concerned, many of Ratzinger's most ardent admirers find themselves diametrically at odds with the Pope.
Review of Therese and Lisieux... A Plea For Purity: Sex, Marriage and God... Founder of Hasidism: Quest for the Historical Ba'al Shem Tov... Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac: Rules, Conferences, and Writings... Revolution of the Heart... Those Misunderstood Puritans... Dwight Macdonald and the Politics Circle
What Happened to the Sacrament of Confession?... From a Liberal Evangelical... The Phony "Community" of Liberal Commuter Parishes...
Canada is writing laws based on gender defined as a sense, an experience, and the result of expression: dress, hair, make-up, body language, voice, name, and personal pronoun use.