New Oxford Notes: October 2000
Bungled Attack on Billy Graham
A Catholic might say that Graham is avoiding "occasions of sin."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Hydra of Heterodoxy
America magazine makes a case for a Deistic conception of God.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.We Don't Kill Infants Here
America magazine hasn't been able to convince its readers of its point of view.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Oh Pain, Where Is Thy Sting?
Psychobabble and weird theology can be used to justify anything.
Teenage Pregnancy: A Moral Matter
Young women also are spiritually hungry for a sense of purpose and meaning in life, for something or someone to believe in, for moral direction.
Freud, the Secular Moralist
The man who told us that religion is an “illusion” ended up, ironically, supplying a faith of sorts to many thousands.
Chesterton on Man, the Religious Animal
GKC asserts that Jesus was not merely one of many great figures in history; rather, He is at the center of all history: past, present, and future.