New Oxford Notes: October 2003
Redskins in Indiana?
If it's offensive to print Cleveland Indians, then it's even more offensive to make reference to the state of Indiana.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Holy Orders & Unholy Disorders
Crisis magazine gives us "the real story" about the state of American seminaries.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Silly Putty Catholicism
Appeals to conscience don't get us very far, for it's so easy to rationalize what we're intent on doing.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Blunt Words From Cardinal Dulles
Dulles said, "When guilty of negligence, timidity, or misjudgment," the pope and bishops "may need to be corrected, as Paul, for example, corrected Peter (Galatians 2:11).”
Somehow it seems appropriate that someone with the very English name of Dimock from the…
Washington let it be known that if the states would but ask to be enrolled in the Common Core plan, billions of dollars in stimulus money would be theirs.
Readers of this column will perhaps recall that exactly a year ago I followed the…