New Oxford Notes: October 2004
Most Children Already Have Two "Fathers"
Thanks to feminism, being a "good mother" has become being a "good father."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Our Testosterone-Depleted Church
God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.A Bishop With Testosterone
Would that all bishops followed the lead of Robert F. Vasa.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Digging Himself in Deeper
George Sim Johston tries to explain what he really meant.
Will Orthodox Catholics Go to Hell?
Sounds like it, given what Bishop Thomas Gumbleton says.
Letter to the Editor: March 2008
Mary, Undermined... Another Battle Lost... Communion for the KKK?... Theft & Osmosis... Spiritual Food... Kidnapped for the Cause... A New Lingua Franca... Disrespectful... Irrational Attack... Book Hunt... The Whole Mystery of the Incarnation... Alternatives to Pants... Speak for Yourself... Outnumbered... Various Nations Will Be Annihilated...
The Revolution in the Catholic Church: Unstoppable, Defeated, or What?
As we prepare to enter the new millennium, there are two basic views on the…