New Oxford Notes: September 2013
Discerning the Spirits of Deception
The presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church has difficulty distinguishing the work of the Lord from that of the spirits of deception.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Dances With Wolves, Vatican Edition
The days of trusting what's going on deep behind the scenes in chanceries and in the Roman curia are over. Transparency is what's needed, not blind trust in some broken bureaucracy.
The Hidden Heroism of Witold Urbanowicz
This Polish family lived in such an unpretentious way that no one ever suspected they had lived such remarkable lives.
Why Is the European Union Bullying Poland & Hungary?
Rather than fix what is broken, the EU intimidates member states to fix what they are told to fix.
In the Beginning Was "Power"?
Anne Barbeau Gardiner takes on an author who has "made a career of treating the Bible sacrilegiously" and sees power, not Logos, as the ultimate reality.