Volume > Issue > Note List > Now They Tell You! (Part III)

Now They Tell You! (Part III)

In a New Oxford Note in April, we told you how George Weigel was campaigning enthusiastically for George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. With Bush safely re-elected, we then heard a different tune from Weigel, saying not to expect too much from Bush on abortion.

And in a New Oxford Note in June, we told you that before the 2004 presidential election, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus gave a sly endorsement to Bush in his First Things, based on Bush’s prolife credentials (sly, so as not to lose the tax exemption for his First Things). But with Bush safely re-elected, we then heard a different tune from First Things. In a lengthy article by Hadley Arkes, he tells us not to expect much from Bush on abortion.

And rounding out the triumvirate is Crisis magazine, controlled by Deal Hudson.

Long before, during the primary season of the 2000 presidential election, Weigel, Neuhaus, and Hudson had been coaching Bush on how to win the conservative Catholic vote. And all three were campaigning for Bush in 2004.

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