Volume > Issue > Pope Paul VI's Prophetic Warning

Pope Paul VI’s Prophetic Warning


By George Delgado | May 2006
George Delgado, M.D. is a Voluntary Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine.

This is the story of my faith. It is the story of God’s infinite love and mercy for one of His wayward children, a story of a painful fall and recovery. Shrouded in the darkness of denial, rationalization, and ignorance, I willfully disobeyed the Church’s teachings on birth control and sexual morality. But by the grace of God, I received spiritual healing and was restored to the fullness of Faith.

In telling my story, I seek neither public praise nor self-flagellation. I share my story, painful as it is, to help others grow in God’s graces and, I hope, avoid the mistakes I made.

I was blessed to be raised in a two-parent Catholic family by a loving and selfless mother and father. The faith was naturally transmitted in our household, interwoven in the fabric of daily life.

I was the first of two American-born children. My five older brothers were born in Colombia, South America. As an immigrant family, we assimilated amazingly quickly into the mainstream of American life. The quick transition provided many benefits. But later, more mature reflection showed me its moral downsides. The tension between my family and American culture would help shape and guide me — and mislead me.

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