Volume > Issue > Note List > Pro-Abortion & Anti-War?

Pro-Abortion & Anti-War?

The Board of the National Coalition of American Nuns, according to a report in the National Catholic Reporter (Oct. 27, 2006), “is calling on Catholics [in the Nov. 2006 elections] to support candidates who ‘recognize the right of women to make reproductive decisions and receive medical treatment according to the rights of privacy and conscience.” In other words, Catholics should not hesitate to support pro-abortion candidates in the midterm elections.

On the other hand, the Board is calling for the U.S. bishops “to support the ‘swift and complete exit’ of U.S. troops from Iraq….” And, according to Catholic Online (www.catholic.org, Oct. 23, 2006), the Board is also calling for the U.S. bishops to condemn the U.S. preventive war underlying the invasion of Iraq.

What hypocrisy! If you are anti-war and pro-abortion, and you won’t recognize that you are making war on the baby in the womb, you are not really anti-war. Both abortion and preventive wars are murder (see our May 2006 Editorial). Abortion and unjust wars are basically immorally equivalent.

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