Volume > Issue > Note List > Role Models

Role Models

American society says we need role models for blacks, American Indians, homosexuals, girls who want to go into science and math, et al. But at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., we don’t need role models for young Catholics.

According to a story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press (Jan. 3), Professor Leigh Lawton and Professor Ellen Kennedy of the University of St. Thomas have shacked up for 12 years. Their unholy relationship is “no secret,” says the story. They planned a trip to Australia with students. The University said they could only go if they took separate rooms. “They refused,” the story says, “considering it deceitful.” And it is deceitful. It’s also a charade. The University officials are, as they say, “just keeping up appearances.” What a mockery!

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