Volume > Issue > Note List > Targeting Muslims

Targeting Muslims

In the state of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany (LifeSiteNews.com, Jan. 3), Muslims who request citizenship in Germany are given a lengthy interrogation. Muslims must affirm “gay” rights, women’s equality, topless beaches, etc. If they fail the test, bye-bye citizenship.

Is this some left-wing loyalty oath? No, it’s a centrist loyalty oath. Brigitte Lösch, a leading member of the left-wing Green Party in the Baden-Württemberg parliament, has called for the government to drop the loyalty oath. (If you’re a Catholic and want to have citizenship in Germany, you’re not given a loyalty oath.)

The Netherlands is reportedly considering the same kind of loyalty oath.

The Catholics in Germany and the Netherlands are harmless; they’ve given up on “gay” rights, unisex and abortion, and topless beaches long ago. But the Muslims: They’re a real threat to the libertarian order.

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