Volume > Issue > The Bileworm Memorandum

The Bileworm Memorandum


By Eugene Hoyas | February 2001
Eugene Hoyas, a Byzantine Catholic, is a brand manager for a coatings manufacturer in New Jersey.

I found this memo in my e-mail. I could not trace its source or destination. After reading it carefully, I have decided to share its contents with you. For all I know, it could be nothing more than a prank. On the other hand, it may well be genuine. In any event, I have taken its contents to heart and consider myself forewarned.

Memorandum To: Darkbloat From: Bileworm

Subject: Destruction of Christianity — Millennial

Business Plan

Per your request I have compiled this brief outline of our proposed business plan. I have taken the liberty to include previous business strategies, as they prove invaluable in charting our course for the decades ahead.


1. To completely obliterate Christianity and all worship of the Enemy.

2. Enslave human souls in our sector forever.

In order to achieve these objectives, our demons in marketing have, over the past two millennia, devised six principal strategies, each with its own tactical considerations.

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