The Bitter Fruit of the Sexual Revolution
According to the 1993 minority report of the Congressional Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, “Progressively over the past 25 years we as a nation have decided that it is easier to give children pills than to teach them respect for sex and marriage. Today we see the results of that decision, not only in increased pregnancy rates but in increased rates of drug abuse, venereal disease, suicide, and other forms of self-destructive behavior.”
Unfortunately “respect for sex and marriage” is usually not taught in public schools under America’s “new” Constitution. When Sex Respect, a book advocating abstinence, was approved for use in Wisconsin schools, the ACLU sued to force the state to ban the book because teaching abstinence “promotes a religious perspective regarding the ‘spiritual dimension’ of sexuality” and is therefore unconstitutional. The ACLU also sued in California to stop the teaching of abstinence because “teaching that monogamous, heterosexual intercourse within marriage is a traditional American value is an unconstitutional establishment of a religious doctrine in public schools.”
Under our Constitution, however, sexual promiscuity may be taught. In fact, in many states it must be taught. For example, throughout the nation schools use It’s Perfectly Normal, a sex-education textbook written for ten-year-old children. In this book dozens of color illustrations of naked little boys and girls teach a variety of sexual experiences. The book demonstrates to the little ones how to masturbate and use condoms and other contraceptives, lists nine reasons for having an abortion, and emphasizes the normality of having two mommies or two daddies.
Fornication is approved in textbooks for older children. “Premarital intercourse does have its definite values as a training ground, like taking a car out for a test run before you buy it” (Boys and Sex and Girls and Sex). Adultery also is approved. Learning About Sex tells students that “some people are now saying that partnerships — married or unmarried — should not be exclusive…. The freedom for both partners to love and share sex with others should also be present.”
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