Volume > Issue > Note List > The Grass Is Not Greener…

The Grass Is Not Greener…

When it comes to sexually active homosexuals in the priesthood, we Catholics have a problem. As The Kansas City Star reported this year on the basis of a major study it conducted on homosexuality and AIDS in the Catholic priesthood: “it appears that priests are dying of AIDS at a rate at least four times that of the general U.S. population….”

But then, The Times of London recently reported (according to the April-May Christian Challenge) that priests of the (Anglican) Church of England are dying of AIDS at a rate about 10 times higher than the general British population.

Somehow, many Catholics have gotten it into their heads that the solution to the problem in the Catholic Church is to allow priests to marry. Nuh duh, the Church of England allows and always has allowed priests to marry, and their problem appears to be vastly worse than ours.

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