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The News You May Have Missed


By Michael S. Rose | May 2005
Michael S. Rose is Web Editor of New Oxford Review.

Homosexual Weapons Research

According to Reuters News Agency (Jan. 16), the Pentagon rejected a 1994 proposal to develop an “aphrodisiac” to spur homosexual activity among enemy troops. The idea of fostering homosexuality among the enemy figured in a declassified, six-year, $7.5 million request from a laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio for funding of non-lethal chemical weapons research. The proposal, disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request by the Sunshine Group, called for developing chemicals affecting human behavior “so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely affected.”

Solicitations Are Legion

Connecticut’s Attorney General is investigating the complaint of an elderly Catholic man that the Legion of Christ gained title to his $295,000 home through misrepresentations and by exerting undue influence. According to the Hartford Courant (Feb. 3), John T. Walsh, 79, claims the Legion “exerted undue influence over me through never-ending and persistent solicitations of donations. In addition, the Legion of Christ’s representatives made several false representations to me that I relied on prior to executing a quitclaim deed transferring my home over to them.” The Legion of Christ admits no wrongdoing.

Same-Sex Simpsons

The popular prime-time cartoon The Simpsons has jumped into the “discussion” over same-sex “marriage.” In a February episode, Marge Simpson’s chain-smoking, MacGyver-loving sister came out of the closet. After the animated town of Springfield legalized “gay marriage” in an effort to boost tourism, Patty Bouvier decided to marry her girlfriend, Veronica, and Homer Simpson became an ordained minister via the Internet to “marry same-sex couples for cash.”

Homophobic Menu?

After receiving complaints from “gay”-lesbian activists, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., ordered the owners of the RU Hungry food trucks to change the name of certain sandwiches on their menus. Steven Goldstein, Chairperson of Garden State Equality, a New Jersey-based “gay”-lesbian political organization, told the Associated Press (Feb. 16): “These sandwich businesses manage to be sexist, homophobic and offensive all in one grand slam. This is how hate crimes start, when people feel it’s OK to make biased comments publicly.” The insulting sandwich names? Fat Beach, Fat Dyke, and Fat Romano.

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