Volume > Issue > To Be a Faithful Catholic at Any Mass: A Pledge

To Be a Faithful Catholic at Any Mass: A Pledge


By Larry A. Carstens | September 2001
Larry A. Carstens teaches English in a public high school and a community college, and has attended Masses across the nation. He was born during the Second Vatican Council and therefore never knew the "pre-Vatican II Church."

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. —popular saying

If you find that the world hates you, know that it hated Me before you. — John 15:18

I wrote the following as a response to the wide number of common abuses currently in vogue at many Catholic Masses, many of which have been mentioned frequently in recent issues of the NOR, both in articles and letters to the editor. It is written in the form of a pledge between the individual Catholic and God, and is intended to be kept as a reference.

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