Volume > Issue > What Is to Be Done?

What Is to Be Done?


By Dale Vree | March 1997

Those of you who have read our November 1996 editorial know we’ve been wanting to magnify the NEW OXFORD REVIEW’s witness to Catholic orthodoxy at this crucial juncture in Church history by expanding the size of the NOR. We explained that we need to raise at least $57,000 — a bare-minimum figure — by January 31 to accomplish that goal, and we left the matter in your good hands.

Well, January 31 has come and gone. So, what is the verdict?

The verdict is: a big question mark. No verdict! We have not reached our goal, but we’re close, so close.

We could just say: “Sorry, folks, we didn’t reach the goal. We won’t increase the number of pages in the NOR, because it’s just too risky to do so with insufficient funding. That’s that. We’ll just put the moneys raised into paying bills and intensifying our search for new subscribers, exactly as we said we’d do in the event we didn’t reach our goal.”

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