Volume > Issue > Note List > Wily Guys

Wily Guys

On August 2 an Associated Press report carried the headline, “SF’s [San Francisco’s] Catholic Charities Changes Program to Avoid Gay Adoptions.” On August 4 the Catholic News Agency carried the same story, but with this headline, “Catholic Agency to Continue Adoption Referrals for Same-Sex Couples.” Huh?

The Holy See’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a document in 2003 saying that placing children in homosexual households would “actually mean doing violence to these children” and is “gravely immoral.”

Recently, Boston’s Catholic Charities shut down its same-sex adoptions. But the Archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, is a wily guy. According to the San Francisco Chronicle (Aug. 3), “Niederauer said he didn’t want to go to those extremes.” (As you know, extremism is bad, bad, bad.) So San Francisco Catholic Charities will continue to allow homosexual “parents” to adopt children, but they will refer them to another agency, California Kids Connection.

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