Volume > Issue > You Can Spit on God, But Don't You Dare Affirm Him

You Can Spit on God, But Don’t You Dare Affirm Him


By Donna R. LaPlante | February 2007
Donna R. LaPlante is a retired accountant and a freelance writer in Lee's Summit, Missouri.

Is this the worst of times for Christianity? Perhaps it would be wrong to say it is the worst of times, but it can be said with certainty that Christians in the U.S. are experiencing a real, if subtle, persecution for their beliefs. Crisscrossing our country like a ravenous flame is the hatred of the atheists, the “gay” activists, the ACLU, and the secularists, who are launching attacks against the Christian religion. The reasons are simple: By suppressing the moral teachings of Christianity, the “gays” will have little opposition to their homosexual agenda; pro-abortionists will no longer struggle against the prolife movement; scientists will be free to use fertilized embryos for stem cell research; euthanasia will become a way of life — or make that death. (If you are sick, tired, maimed, handicapped, or just too old, suicide will be the approved solution.) Christians are the roadblock to these wanton desires and therefore are the recipients of persecution. Sadly, many Christians do little more than silently watch and wring their hands and comply and capitulate.

The atheists and secularists are on the march, with the goal of wiping out all references to God from the public arena. Be assured, atheists are well organized in the promotion of their anti-religion agenda. Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheist, said Christians have plenty of churches and places where they can pray and practice their religion; it is not necessary for religion to pollute the public domain. An illustration of their persistence and determination is the controversial atheist Michael Newdow and his campaign to exclude the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” from our currency. The First Amendment is the legal whip they use to convince judges that any public reference to religion is unconstitutional and unfit for public viewing.

The First Amendment never intended, nor does it presently intend, that any mention of God or Jesus Christ in public prayer is just cause for men to scurry to the highest court in the land with the sole intent of muting Christians’ public mention of God. The reason our Founding Fathers came to these shores was to flee governments that enforced an established state religion and persecuted anyone who did not proclaim that belief — in other words, they came for religious liberty. Our civic ancestors felt it was paramount that this should never happen in America and, as a safeguard, wrote the First Amendment to the Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….” Could they ever have imagined that their civic progeny would so distort the interpretation of this Amendment that it would destroy the very religious liberty they were trying to protect?

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