1984 November
Letters to the Editor: November 1984
Opus Dei Response Unsatisfactory... The Lot of Mankind... Original Compositions... Derrick to the Rescue... No Rescue Needed... Not a Neutral Device
READ ARTICLEChurch & Society in Communist Hungary
In the post-war years, the peasantry and the proletariat have been the winners, while the old bourgeoisie has been the great loser.
READ ARTICLEEconomics & the Theology of Work
When the worker is engaged in work that is to him intrinsically meaningless, then he is deprived of work in the deeper sense, even when he makes a living wage.
READ ARTICLEThe Right to Unionize & Defense of the Poor
The tradition of Catholic social teaching has roots in Abraham, Moses, the prophets, and in the very life and message of Jesus himself.
The opening struggle for a New Jerusalem is naturally beyond anyone’s ken. A novelist, perhaps alone among us, has the capacity to make compelling guesses.
READ ARTICLEBeyond the Reefs of Roast Beef
Among the industrial nations of the West, only the U.S. has had no democratic socialist party of national significance, nor a party to speak for the labor movement.
READ ARTICLEThe Development of Social Doctrine
A Christian’s concern for the material well-being of his neighbors springs, properly, not from a flat secularist social-welfare mentality but from an authentic interior spirituality.
READ ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: November 1984
The Motherhood of the Church... Summons to Faith and Renewal: Christian Renewal in a Post-Christian World... People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil