1985 November
The Vision & Future of the NEW OXFORD REVIEW
We believe Christianity is about truth. We take theology seriously because theology enables us to say something intelligible about truth and what it requires of us.
READ ARTICLELetters to the Editor: November 1985
Beyond Ideology... Mercy... Motivated... Why Cancel?... A Better Choice... Mutual Support
READ ARTICLEA Chestertonian Adrift in an Ideological World
If you favor the cause of orthodoxy or tradition in Catholic faith and morals, you should break the close link that exists between that cause and the cause of the political Right.
READ ARTICLEThe Conflict Between Civil Piety & the Right to Life
America is in desperate need of hard love. Whether or not pro-lifers are adequate to the task of providing it only they themselves can answer.
READ ARTICLESaying a Humble, Compassionate & Joyful “Yes” to Life
Resisting the forces of death is only meaningful when we are fully in touch with the forces of life we want to uphold.
READ ARTICLEThe Spiritual Life of Children — Part I
The mother of a child I was studying said, 'You ask our daughter about everything except God.' I was at a loss for words.
READ ARTICLEBad Things & Good People
Many cannot bring themselves to believe in Hell, which Christ tells us repeatedly (40 times) is an essential part of his religion.
READ ARTICLEThe Extraordinary Career of Francois Truffaut
Truffaut made five more or less autobiographical films, starting with "400 Blows" when actor Jean-Pierre Leaud was 14 and ending 20 years later.
READ ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: November 1985
The Prophetic Poet and the Spirit of the Age. Vol. I: Why Flannery O’Connor Stayed Home. Vol. II: Why Poe Drank Liquor. Vol. III: Why Hawthorne Was Melancholy... Miracles and the Critical Mind