1986 June
Letters to the Editor
The Gospel of the Bottom Line... Used Copies... Turkeys in the Pews?... Reply to My Critics... Just War Criteria Ever Applied?
READ ARTICLEThe Vatican’s New Look at Liberation Theology
The Church has attempted to correct the excesses of radical liberation theology and that “dualistic” Christianity that views the Church as a fortress and calls on Christians to retreat within its walls.
READ ARTICLEThomas Merton on War, Gog & Magog
Merton’s decision to get actively involved in a campaign to abolish war came at a time when Cold War tensions reached a flash point and atmospheric nuclear testing was increasing.
READ ARTICLEThe Pilgrimage of a Former “Yuppie”
“Catholic” means “including everybody.” Catholicism is both a sanctuary for adoration and contemplation, and an animator of political and social reconstruction.
READ ARTICLEWilliam Carlos Williams: A Doctor’s Faith, a Poet’s Faith
Williams knew how bored, self-centered, and self-indulgent the rich can be, and how desperately confused, vulnerable, and self-lacerating the poor often are.
READ ARTICLESolomon Serves
READ ARTICLEFellini Back in Stride
An artist who apparently works very much from his feelings and intentions, Fellini turns his camera on people and lovingly watches their foibles and failures.
READ ARTICLEThe Prodigal Father and His Child
READ ARTICLECultural Analysis
Dominant social classes and institutions now systematically encourage egotism, while discouraging forces that rein in the self, such as religion or traditional family life.
READ ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: June 1986
Evangelicalism and Modern America... Blood Brothers: A Palestinian Struggles for Reconciliation in the Middle East... Christian Short Stories: An Anthology...