1986 May
Is Christianity the Same as Buddhism Underneath?
By some stretch of the imagination, Buddhism can be chopped down to fit Christianity, but Christianity cannot be chopped down to fit Buddhism.
READ ARTICLE“Conservatism” in Europe
The Right in Western Europe is the immediate heir to the pre-1945, even pre-1914, system of values which it keeps alive on the political/cultural landscape.
READ ARTICLEThe Soaring Birds of Freedom
READ ARTICLEHumility’s Sorry Fortunes in Society & Philosophy
The Christian doctrine of humility strikes the secular mind as paradoxical in its insistence that the better a person is the more humble a person should be.
READ ARTICLEHaiti: Discovering Wealth in Poverty
We are blind to the vast and real poverty of our own country, which may only become apparent upon encountering spiritual wealth.
READ ARTICLERemembering Reinhold Niebuhr
Niebuhr was the most extraordinary of preachers — a powerfully compelling delivery, all extemporaneous. As a teacher he called upon history and politics with great ease.
READ ARTICLEA Critique of the Second Draft
The people of the USA are unwilling to make the right to a job a top priority and to get up the money to pay for it, even though they can easily afford to do so.
Contemporary film is quite advanced; the tools are available for making significant films. What is obviously lacking is insight.
READ ARTICLEJean Vanier & the “Little Ones”
In l’Arche communities, the handicapped and non-handicapped live a common life, breaking down barriers between “normal” and retarded, strong and weak, rich and poor.
READ ARTICLEReflections on Marriage After Vatican II
It is because of this intimate connection between the Eucharist and the remarried person’s prior marriage, that reception of the Eucharist must be refused.
READ ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: May 1986
Molchanie: The Silence of God... The Generation That Knew Not Josef... Celebrating the Single Life: A Spirituality for Single Persons in Today’s World... How Brave a New World? Dilemmas in Bioethics... Science Education and Ethical Values: Introducing Ethics and Religion into the Science Classroom and Laboratory...