1987 December
Letter to the Editor: December 1987
READ ARTICLEThe Church as the Context for the Family
READ ARTICLEThe Workers of Weirton Steel: Putting Catholic Social Teaching into Practice
Early in my life I boasted: "The Catholic Church will never get me, because I'm too smart" (to get caught). Now look at me: I live and breathe the Catholic faith.
READ ARTICLEThe Secular Mind III: Reductionism
READ ARTICLEDemocracy in the Church & the Lay Apostolate
READ ARTICLEThis Land is Not Our Land
Review of Confessions of a Parish Priest by Andrew Greeley, A Path From Rome by Anthony Kenny, and Catholic America by John Cogley
READ ARTICLEShuttling between Cathedral & Laboratory
Review of The Trademark of God by George L. Murphy, Philosophy of Science by Del Ratzsch, and Cross-currents by Colin A. Russell
READ ARTICLEBriefly: December 1987
READ ARTICLE Submitting Donation...