1988 March
A Summer With the Moonies
I left the Unification Church two-and-a-half months after I entered it, fighting with myself, relieved and unhappy at the same time.
READ ARTICLEThe Spiritual Thrust of Just War Doctrine
Just war teaching is not only a perspective on the "how" of military activity; it also tries to get us to focus on the "who" and the "what."
READ ARTICLEThe Extinction of the Human Race Has Already Begun
Can we expect nuclear annihilation to pass us by while daily, in each major city of the U.S., hundreds of innocent human lives are systematically erased?
READ ARTICLETeaching and Learning, Strutting and Conniving
We are in continual jeopardy — of a kind I think best described by a woman I knew who worked as a food server in a Harvard dorm and in the Faculty Club.
READ ARTICLEFeeling Good About Greed?
Can Wall Street, Washington, the White House, Congress, Big Business, Big Labor, or any of us be just for any extended period of time without fear of God?
READ ARTICLEThe New Catholic: Quo Vadis?
Converts' stories of their pasts would be enhanced by explicit avowals of where the Holy Spirit seems to be pointing them.
READ ARTICLEDorothy Day and Simone Weil
In our time surely there are no two persons who have seen more clearly the loss of community as the consequence of the deification of technique as have these two.
READ ARTICLEBriefly: March 1988
Religion and Republic: The American Circumstance... Uncivil Religion: Interreligious Hostility in America... Why We Lost the ERA... and more